Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Moving through uncertainty, or another day at the clinic!

Today's West Seattle community Feldenkrais clinic was another lesson in moving through uncertainty. What do you do when the elk runs in front of your car?

Four new people who had never heard of the word 'feldenkrais' before, got to experience at least a group lesson (Awareness through Movement) today. Two of them also received individual lessons following the group lesson.

One of my goals for this clinic is to keep it as organic as possible, to keep it a learning experience for all who participate, clients and teachers. By working together we can learn from each other to better serve the population around us.

Part of being in the organic state is uncertainty. Where change is ever-present.
How do you deal with change?

Feldenkrais lessons have helped many with chronic pains, neurologic disorders, recovery from injury, etc., and they're also a great way to learn the skills to deal with change and uncertainty.

Our next West Seattle community Feldenkrais clinic will be held on Tuesday, November 23rd at the West Seattle Senior Center.
Also, we may have an addition to our practitioner family....