Monday, December 20, 2010

De-stress your winter holiday

Cinnamon resting

Are the holidays treating you well?

Do you need a short break from it all?

This Tuesday December 20th, at the West Seattle Senior Center, we'll be hosting the final community Feldenkrais clinic of 2010.

Feldenkrais is a great way to slow down for the moment, and give your nervous system a chance to rest.
The type of rest shown by Cinnamon in the picture above.

We don't just teach people how to move more easily, with less pain.
But it's also about learning to move more intelligently...with awareness.
It's also about being more efficient with our when you need to rest, use as little effort as possible to effect a greater change.

The West Seattle community Feldenkrais clinic is held at the West Seattle Senior Center in the California room (between West Seattle Coin and the Thrift store) on the corner of California/Oregon streets.

We still have room for the group class from 12:30 - 1:15

And the following openings for the individual sessions:

1:30 - 1
2:15 - 1
3:00 - 3

Happy stress-free holidays,

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